Changes from the main Monke ruleset will appear as blue information boxes addons to each rule.
Complaining about stuff in OOC or IC about clear admin-helpable offenses does not ingratiate with the admin team. Stop being a Baby and admin help it.
Above all else, if an admin is telling you to stop doing something, stop doing it. Claiming "It's not in the rules!", arguing, and rules lawyering is not going to help your situation in the event of an admin PM. Additionally, dragging an admin's decision into other channels (Twitch, Discord, LOOC) will result in additional time banned.
Also, please remember: Admins are neither omniscient nor omnipresent: while they have a large arsenal of tools at their disposal to stop rule breakers, they usually aren't able to stop something before it happens. Please use the Adminhelp feature (F1) to report any rule breaking! Even if it's just a gut suspicion, it's fine to use this feature to request an investigation.
In light of this, please remember that admins are there for rules enforcement, not players. Please report and move on; do not antagonize the perpetrator either In Character(IC) or Out Of Character(OOC) regarding the report; such behavior doesn't help anyone, regardless of whether or not they are breaking the rules. Additionally, dogpiling is not cool. Let the admins take care of stuff.
We reserve the right to remove and ban you with an unanimous admin vote or if you are the consistent source of player complaints and admin headaches. Such bans typically qualify as Quality Control (QC) bans.
This server has a zero tolerance policy for bigotry.
This includes racism, sexism, and homophobia, and more, including in-character versions of it. Any usage of slurs, or methods, and attempts to bypass any text filters filters is prohibited. Outside of that, we encourage you to treat your fellow spaceman with respect. No talk of IRL political events should happen either. Our station is supposed to be a fun place: Light hearted, goofy and full of farts. We should not need to explain what being a jerk is. If you need someone to explain it, then this isn't the place for you.
Some characters are abrasive by their nature. Mean spirited characters exist within the confines of reality and thus can exist within an artificial workspace such as an experimental research station.
Mean characters existing isn’t necessarily a reflection of the player. Being a jerk is something that, while it sucks, is a cold hard truth of the world. Creating drama is encouraged. When playing a jerk character, make sure that it is visibly a character you are playing and that they are not a reflection of yourself being mean for its own sake. You should act as someone that the recipient of your abuse wants to play into and enjoys the back-and-forth. LOOC can be used if someone is making you uncomfortable.
Play as the job you chose, or get the Head of Personnel/Captain to change it. Communicate for equipment if you need it.
Acquiring equipment that you have no need for but could have use for in the future without communicating with anyone, such as taking insulated gloves from engineering without asking instead of having them given to you, while playing as a non-engineering role, can potentially be viewed as powergaming. Antagonists are exempt from this as they are expected to be causing problems for the station and/or getting into combat in which all sorts of equipment may be useful.
Breaking into medbay storage, stealing supplies and just treating yourself does not provide interaction between players. Rushing into engineering to silently snatch up the gloves and tools deprives the rest of the engineers the equipment they need to survive. Making weaponry and zipties just for the sake of hunting down antagonists makes security redundant. These are just a few examples of Rule 2 violations.
MonkeStation is a server that promotes social interaction and has a number of newer players that are learning the roles themselves. Remember that you were new at one point as well, give them a chance to actually play and enjoy this game as well. We treat this seriously; if you consistently sign up for a job and do not perform, you will be job banned. Eating up slots that other players would like to fill when you just SSD as said job or commit suicide by any means (yes, floorpills too) will result in a job ban as well. It is okay to wander off and do your own thing, but taking limited slotted jobs to do so is a huge detriment to the entire station.
Prisoners that wish to conduct a prison break need to wait at least 20 minutes into the round before starting. This is to allow regular station staff, security and the antagonists alike time to get settled in. Speedrunning prison breaks are less fun for everybody.
Do not do the job of another unless the department is unstaffed, requests assistance or is otherwise incapacitated.
We take this rule very seriously as Space Station 13 has a rather young playerbase, and Sexual Content is not something we want to expose to those players.
Monkestation is not a place for sexual content of any sort. This includes erotic role-play (ERP), sexual copypasta, references to genitalia in sexual contexts and sexual acts. There are other servers for that.
Insults with potential sexual connotations that are not presented in a sexual context are allowed, such as; Deez Nuts, Ligma, etc. If this is abused it will be at the admins' discretion for punishment.
We know this is HRP, but do NOT be horny. There are other places. The fact this needs to be re-asserted is sad.
Joining a round and disconnecting shortly thereafter, be it at round start or otherwise, can be viewed as antag rolling. Antag rolling is held under this rule for purposes of enforcement. It should not have to be said, but it does need to be said.
Out of game communications, usually made evident through the appearances of cliques that mysteriously show up to silently save someone and usage of out of game information such as a stream (see Rule 5) to validhunt antagonists are not permitted.
Usage of bugs or exploits, be it a known issue or otherwise, can and will be punished severely, up to and including a permanent ban on the first offense depending on factors involved in the discovery of the bug or exploit. If you have a suspicion that something is not functioning correctly, AHELP and use the REPORT ISSUE button located at the top right of the client in order to provide necessary information so it may be properly handled.
Metagrudging is the act of acting upon previous round info, such as refusing to heal someone because they were an antagonist last round.
This is not permitted.
Do not speak about current round information in the OOC chat channel unless the round has formally ended.
Do not argue in OOC. You will eat an OOC ban. Do not SALT in OOC chat during a round. You will get an OOC ban. Take complaints to the Discord. AFTER THE ROUND. We understand that not everything is fun or not all rounds are the best, but do not take it with you; take a breather if you need to and move on.
Past knowledge can be carried between rounds to help develop character interactions. Metafriendship is okay as long as it doesn’t impede the development of a round. Rounds where people are antagonists are generally not cannon for them unless stated by them.
We will allow respawn, if you die, you may respawn as a new character and must not act on any knowledge gained from the round.
Streamers are not granted any extra privilege, and are expected to be treated the same as any other player.
Metaknowledge is not permitted; chat members must not inform the streamer of things they could not have known. It's fine to point something out so long as it was visible on stream.
Players must not hunt down streamers in-game for the purposes of harassment. This is known as stream sniping and is expressly prohibited.
Monkestation is a streamer friendly server, with very minor rules for those that wish to stream here. No stream delay is required.
This section has been MAJORLY REWORKED. Please read it!
Self-antagonism, given IC justification and that it is done with roleplay in mind rather than 'gaming' is allowed. However, expect consequences for your actions. You may act to create drama, you may not act to crush others for your own enjoyment. When in doubt or if need of more pizzaz, use the Opposing Force feature.
If your character is in a position of power and act to abuse it, Central Command reserves all right to interfere. If you are a repeated menance on station, do not be surprised if your character gains that reputation.
This also EXCLUDES a solid RP reason (within the round) for seeking revenge: a clown who has had their shoes stolen by security, a chef continually getting harassed by assistants or a doctor that keeps getting shoved by crew as they work all have reasons to fight back following proper in-game escalation.
Ninjas, Heretics, Revs, final objective traitors, Cultist with halos, Delta AIs and Spiders: Valid huntable! Yaaay! You are allowed to protect your crewmates if they are being assaulted, Jumped, or attacked Within your view. But only to protect. Not to pursue. You may protect your establishment with force if a violent person has visited after there has been an attack by said person.
For more detailed information, please read Antagonist Guidance down below.
If you are not security, avoid vigilantism. Defending yourself is fine, but making your entire round goal to chase down and hunt the antagonists is not.
If there is a large-scale threat to the station, anyone is encouraged to participate in protecting the station. Large-scale threats are: Nuclear Operatives, Blobs, Xenomorphs and Wizards.
Escalate before engaging in hostilities with players.
The whole goal of the server is to create roleplay scenarios for everyone to interact with. Antagonists and non-antagonists must create situations that can be roleplayed and engaged with by others. Antagonists are the villains of the round; they're the focus of the story and the driver of the round. Greentexting should not be the goal of antagonists. You should give players a sense of dread, either visually or verbally, and create an obvious motive or clear-cut situation where something bad is going to happen.
Security members should be focused on protecting the crew and maintaining the rule of law. Security can also escalate with their actions, such as drawing their weapon and pointing at the person being engaged- though there should always be a verbal or emote action. Security should still treat players fairly and engage them appropriately based on the situation. A clear and active threat to the station may be engaged with more harshly compared to a normal crewmember. Crew vs crew escalation must have clear consequences for actions and be consensual between the two crewmembers.
Actively murdering an excessive amount of people outside of your objectives is not permitted. You are permitted to kill in self-defense so long as you aren't obviously baiting for kills.
One may not wordlessly or emotelessly attack another player regardless of antags. A murder is less interesting if there is no back-and-forth. This is important to allow for the development of roleplay.
Antags are expected to engage before attacking, and victims are expected to not immediately scream for help. A clear intent for violence must be demonstrated. Words must be exchanged, unless an obvious show of evil intent is made.
This applies for security by the same standard as everyone. Do not wordlessly arrest or stun people- engage beforehand. You are not here just to win, you are here to tell an engaging story. Make your motives clear.
Reworked for HRP.
Names must be serious to an extent. No “John Engineer” or “A Moth”. Meme names or names of characters from tv series are not allowed unless the name is common enough.
No, Saul Goodman isn’t common enough. Unconventional names for species are acceptable so long as you have a reason for doing so.
Names shall not be references to any people that were politically relevant, figures that were involved in major real-life criminality, or be references to anything that would otherwise break rules 1 and 3. Examples of unacceptable names: "George Floyd", "Jeffery Epstein", "Cum The Clown"
References to video games, shows, movies, books, or other fictional creations are perfectly acceptable so long as they would not break other rules.
Clown names may be goofy.
If you are able to explain within universe why a character is named as they are, you will have no issues. Synths and IPCs are allowed to have pop culture names.
Dragging an admin's decision into other channels, Twitch, Discord, etc. will not help your case and can result in time being banned.
Appeals are only considered for permanent bans and will only be accepted after a month. If you wish to complain about admins, use a Discord report, submit feedback to the admin's respective Discord feedback thread, or message The Headmin. Messaging Ook will simply get you mocked per Discord Rules.
You must roleplay. You must play a character. You must put in some effort into developing said character.
Only say things that would make some sense IC, not things that only make sense OOC such as shouting tot the moment you see a traitor.
We also have a blackout policy. Details of this policy are listed below.
You must put your best foot forward. If you are incapable of roleplaying and demonstrate this fact, you will be removed from the RP server. Brainrot memes are not allowed. Screaming Skibidi Toilet isn’t roleplay.
You do not have to be perfect. Monkestation: Well-Done is a place for learning, especially learning improv and roleplay. You are welcome as long as you are giving meaningful effort to try. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect. Your spelling doesn't have to be perfect. Your characters do not need three-page backstories (but, it's always fun when they do!) This is a place for advice, patience, and empathy if ever you ask for it.
New rule!
Throwing yourself at threats with expectation to be revived afterwards is not acceptable. Play a character with some semblance of self-preservation.
You are highly recommended to keep a roster of other characters to play after death, but this is not required.
Along these same lines, you should not participate in End of Round Grief (EORG, or the act of engaging in a free-for-all battle as credits roll.) Give people time to wrap things up.
Historically VPNs and proxies have been used by bad actors to grief, ban evade, etc. While there are some legitimate uses, notably for those people whose countries block broader internet access, these issues are few and far between. Regardless, if this is the case for you, we will work with you, and allow the use if needed. However, please note that there is a bit of a process for it and it is not a guarantee of being allowed to use a VPN on Monkestation.
If you are coming here, you are likely looking for some guidance on whether something is ok or something is not ok, at least as far as server rules and admin opinion is concerned. This shall serve as a resource for both admins and for players in order to gauge what antag-related behavior is acceptable under various circumstances and conditions.
But remember... being an antagonist is a priviledge, not a right.
First off, definitions!
Short for "valid to kill".
Validhunting is defined as hunting antagonists as non-security or as a job that isn't allowed. Deputized individuals are considered security and are allowed to engage.
This does not apply here. Every antagonist is expected to escalate, and everyone is expected to escalate with them. Escalation does not have to be verbal. Yes, this includes Nuclear Operatives and Wizards.
Antagonists like blob
are incredibly rareescalate with their mere existence.
As a general rule of thumb, Security (and anyone formally deputized by Security) always have the ability to validhunt an antagonist because it is their job. Any crew that sees security engaged with an antagonist may join forces with or even against security as defending others is a valid reason to step in per Rule 9 of escalation. But the obligation is to defend, not to chase. If Security requests your assistance, then of course you may join them.
Now for some more specific guidance regarding Security's relationship with some types of antagonists:
This is a lesson that is learned by some through life experience and others never truly encounter it. So, to put this down here, perception is reality. For example, if you're a traitor that went and bought a nukie mod suit, that blood red nuclear operative suit is usually worn... by nuclear operatives. So if you look like a particular antagonist, expect to get treated the way that is most appropriate.
This is a new adopted policy regarding what you are allowed and not allowed to do. Failure to follow this will result in a loss of eligiblity to be an abductor.
You shall:
You shall not:
Ashwalkers are encouraged to stay away from the lavaland mining base. Messing with the lavaland mining base without proper roleplay reason will result in admin action.
Ashwalkers are a neutral faction that is aligned with the necropolis. The goal being to defend your tendril and protect your home.
If the tendril is destroyed, ashwalkers may locate the group responsible with a fury and purpose of war.
They are not to go to the station without a roleplay reason to go. Examples include a curator inviting the tribe to see the station, a horrible medical injury that only the station can supply care for, or aggressive action from local megafauna. These open up some room for roleplay opportunity.
The tribe may be aggressive to miners if escelation is followed.
Maintenance should be a spooky and scary place to be in. If you are deep in maintenance tunnels, antagonists can get you a little easier than out in the open of the rest of the station. If you somehow find yourself in a trap and then an antagonist gets you, you'll have firmly walked into their trap!
Antagonists: Feel free to do things like making traps, setting up elaborate schemes in order to lure people into maintenance. You can't just simply walk out, knock someone out, drag them in and then kill them. Whoever you wish to antagonize should be established in maintenance of their volition.
Always be escalating, even in maintenance. You may still build traps in maintenance.
So you wanna be a robot, eh? There's a few additional rules that silicons adhere to for our default AI lawset shown below.
This is how Crewsimov++ functions in game, and will be the bread and butter laws of the land. Events during the shift can result in you having any number of additional laws assigned (or in the alteration of your starting laws). Follow any and all laws to the best of your ability.
Quite simply, if they're on the manifest, they are crew. It's frankly a far more flawed concept than things like Asimov where a human simply has to exist to be protected.. Here, if a crewmember is being a real piece of work and the crew removed their medical/security records, they're not crew anymore and you are free to treat them as such.
Please note that as the AI, while you may have access to view and edit records yourself, you are not authorized to remove records under any circumstance as that violates Law 1.
The laws in their order of precedence:
Laws take priority from top to bottom, with the top being of the highest importance and bottom being the lowest. For example, if you have a lawset containing Crewsimov++ laws 1-3, but are given an additional law 0 stipulating that your primary objective is to maximize the station's production of bananas, you no longer have to adhere to laws 1-3 if you have plausible reason to believe doing so would interfere with producing as many bananas as possible.
Who? | Crew or Not Crew? |
Anyone on the Manifest | Crew |
Cultists | Crew |
Paradox Clone | Crew |
Pirates | Not Crew |
Ninjas | Not Crew |
Nukies | Not Crew |
Changlings | Not Crew |
Florida Man | Not Crew |
Stowaways | Not Crew |
Xenomorphs | Not Crew |
Spiders | Not Crew |
Venus Human Traps | Not Crew |
Slashers | Not Crew |
Teratomas | Not Crew |
The soul of SS13 lies in being more of a one-shot D&D session than a game of Warhammer. That is to say that the primary focus of the game should be the journey, not necessarily whether you win or lose, or whether or not you make it back alive (or as the same person you started the round with!)
Just like a tabletop Roleplaying Game, SS13 requires a bit of, well, role play. Monkestation itself has no minimum character roleplay requirements, but building a character that you play as can give yourself interesting constraints to play within, as well as make the game more interesting for the people you interact with.
This can seem pretty overwhelming if you don't consider yourself the most creative, but that's okay! You don't have to be exceptionally creative to make an RP character. You don't even need a 25 page back story with all of your characters wants, fears, and needs encapsulated in an encyclopedia. The beauty of round based experiences like SS13 is that you can develop your character's story as you play them, making any interaction or event canon to that character's lore, or an integral piece of information that motivates them.
The self-insert: There's nothing wrong with just plopping yourself into a game. In fact, some of the most memorable characters are self-inserts. Because what do you know better than yourself? For a self insert, you don't even have to fully place a carbon copy of yourself into the game, you can instead take some bits of your personality and exaggerate them. Be careful not to get too attached to them though.
The shameless rip-off: Another easy way to make a character is to just take a character you like from other media and insert them into space. An established character already has the groundwork for motivations and typically how they'd react to new things.
Please take action to differentiate your character and make them unique. You can be inspired by another character, but you cannot flatly take another character as your own.
The straight-man: This is an incredibly common character archetype in media, and works in any situation. The key to the straight man is to just react to the surroundings as if they are in fact, not normal at all.
Check out the different available species and quirks in the preferences! Even hitting the random button can give you a burst of inspiration.
Roleplay (RP) is a creative and immersive form of interactive storytelling within the gaming world, where players assume the personas of fictional characters and actively engage with the game environment and each other. Unlike conventional gameplay, RP transcends mere strategic decisions or objectives, focusing instead on the authentic portrayal of characters with distinct personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. It is a collaborative venture, weaving a tapestry of narratives that evolve dynamically based on the characters' interactions, choices, and the unfolding events within the game. RP adds depth, emotional resonance, and a shared sense of storytelling to the gaming experience, transforming virtual worlds into vibrant and living landscapes of imaginative exploration.
Consistent Behavior:
Collaborative Storytelling:
Consider "Yes, And" to build upon the contributions of others and further enrich the collaborative storytelling experience.
In the context of roleplaying games or collaborative storytelling, applying "Yes, And" means acknowledging and embracing the contributions of other players. When someone introduces an element or idea into the story, responding with "Yes, And" involves accepting that contribution and adding to it, contributing to a richer and more dynamic narrative. It encourages inclusivity, creativity, and a cooperative storytelling experience.
You may want to check out Monkestation: Medium-Rare first! Whilst this is a place for learning, you may want to attempt a foothold first.
Embarking on your first roleplaying (RP) adventure can be both exhilarating and a tad overwhelming. Fear not! This guide is here to offer guidance for those new to the RP realm. Here are some tips to help you along your journey.
With respect to roleplay, the Blackout Policy dictates what your character will and will not remember in post-death scenarios. These rules are in place to help attempt to make the playing field as fair as possible for all players.
With respect to death and revival, there are going to be some expectations of how far you remember. The method of revival will help determine what you will remember. We'll start with the most restrictive memory requirements up to the least restrictive.
Method | Memory Limit |
Cloning | Up to the most recent clone scan. If post-death scan, roundstart knowledge |
Normal revival/defibrilation | Anything up to small details of your death, but not identity of the murderer |
Antagonist Revivals | No limit |
Brain on MMI | Normal revival |
Strange reagent | Normal revival |
Xenobiology/Slime person | Normal revival |
Some specific notes regarding the revivals:
Outside of deaths, there are certain events that inflict varying degrees of memory loss: