This page is no longer used and is depricated. Please go to the main server rules as both Main and Monke2 both use the same rules.
Complaining about stuff in OOC or IC about clear admin-helpable offenses does not ingratiate with the admin team. Stop being a Baby and admin help it.
Above all else, if an admin is telling you to stop doing something, stop doing it. Claiming "It's not in the rules!", arguing, and rules lawyering is not going to help your situation in the event of an admin PM. Additionally, dragging an admin's decision into other channels (Twitch, Discord, LOOC) will result in additional time banned.
Also, please remember: Admins are neither omniscient nor omnipresent: while they have a large arsenal of tools at their disposal to stop rule breakers, they usually aren't able to stop something before it happens. Please use the Adminhelp feature (F1) to report any rule breaking! Even if it's just a gut suspicion, it's fine to use this feature to request an investigation.
In light of this, please remember that admins are there for rules enforcement, not players. Please report and move on; do not antagonize the perpetrator either In Character(IC) or Out Of Character(OOC) regarding the report; such behavior doesn't help anyone, regardless of whether or not they are breaking the rules. Additionally, dogpiling is not cool. Let the admins take care of stuff.
We reserve the right to remove and ban you with an unanimous admin vote or if you are the consistent source of player complaints and admin headaches. Such bans typically qualify as Quality Control (QC) bans.
This server has a zero tolerance policy for bigotry.
This includes racism, sexism, and homophobia, and more, including in-character versions of it. Any usage of slurs, or methods, and attempts to bypass any text filters filters is prohibited. Outside of that, we encourage you to treat your fellow spaceman with respect. No talk of IRL political events should happen either. Our station is supposed to be a fun place: Light hearted, goofy and full of farts. We should not need to explain what being a jerk is. If you need someone to explain it, then this isn't the place for you.
We take this rule very seriously as Space Station 13 has a rather young playerbase, and Sexual Content is not something we want to expose to those players.
Monkestation is not a place for sexual content of any sort. This includes erotic role-play (ERP), sexual copypasta, references to genitalia in sexual contexts and sexual acts. There are other servers for that.
Insults with potential sexual connotations that are not presented in a sexual context are allowed, such as; Deez Nuts, Ligma, etc. If this is abused it will be at the admins' discretion for punishment.
Joining a round and disconnecting shortly thereafter, be it at round start or otherwise, can be viewed as antag rolling. Antag rolling is held under this rule for purposes of enforcement. It should not have to be said, but it does need to be said.
Out of game communications, usually made evident through the appearances of cliques that mysteriously show up to silently save someone and usage of out of game information such as a stream to validhunt antagonists are not permitted.
Usage of bugs or exploits, be it a known issue or otherwise, can and will be punished severely, up to and including a permanent ban on the first offense depending on factors involved in the discovery of the bug or exploit. If you have a suspicion that something is not functioning correctly, AHELP and use the REPORT ISSUE button located at the top right of the client in order to provide necessary information so it may be properly handled.
Metagrudging is the act of acting upon previous round info, such as refusing to heal someone because they were an antagonist last round.
This is not permitted.
Do not speak about current round information in the OOC chat channel unless the round has formally ended.
Do not argue in OOC. You will eat an OOC ban. Do not SALT in OOC chat during a round. You will get an OOC ban. Take complaints to the Discord. AFTER THE ROUND. We understand that not everything is fun or not all rounds are the best, but do not take it with you; take a breather if you need to and move on.
Prisoners without an added role such as Traitors or heretics are not antagonists Prisoners require extra escalation for any sort of aggression versus security. This is up to admin interpretation.
Distributing things that convert people into antags as a non antag is self antagging.
If you're ever wondering your gimmick is leaning too far into self-antag territory, consider if you're negatively affecting another player's round. You may always adminhelp if you want our opinion on it as well. Coming to us willingly will often lead to a less contentious conversation than if we had to bwoink you.
Being a criminal within your character's RP is one thing, but you are still employed by Nanotrasen. Act to keep your job. Robbing random people is not RP; it's self-antagonizing (unless one has the Kleptomanic perk, and even then, you are expected to incorporate the trait into your RP). Stealing shit and breaking into places consistently is self antagging as well as crossing RULE 2. Most of the time this should be dealt with IC. However, chronic abuse will result in action against you.
We are an English speaking server. Please use complete words, not things like "u have smol pp".
Follow your laws. It's shrimple.