[ job_image ] Signal Technician |
Access: Engineering, Telecommunications, NTSL Console, Maintenance, Airlocks Additional Access: Atmospherics Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: Chief-engineer, Captain Duties: Guides: Guide to Telecommunications Alternate Titles: Network Admin, Telecomunications Engineer |
Your job tends to be simple, make communication over the radio more efficient and make sure the machines don't go down. That and you can shut Poly up without ever having to touch him.
Bare minimum requirements: Make sure a rogue AI doesn't upload harmful scripts.
Keepingthe machines up is the most important part of your job, so if it all breaks it is your job to repair it.
You can find most of what you need to learn through the guide NT Script. The language can be hard and it's recommended for you to read the guide before your first round as a signal technician.
Most of the actually important work for a telecom's admin can be done within the first minute of a round, and apart from the simple quality of life things there can be a lot for a telecom's admin to do that would actually help the station. While you can't hear what's going through most of the channels you can check the logs and make sure everything is fine. If you notice anything odd, feel free to turn on your security transceiver and tell Security about it, though they might get annoyed if you mention every little thing to them.
If the station is in dire enough straits, you can ask the Chief Engineer for the decryption key from his desk. This will allow you to access messaging logs. You can use these to pick out anyone messaging anything privately who might want to harm another.
Feel free to make announcements if you deem them important enough for the crew to know. This generally includes letting everyone know that you know the t-comms shutdown, and you are working on it. Please leave it for emergency only though.
When the nukies declare war, IMMEDIATELY get to work on building a backup telecoms' system. Nine times out of ten, the telecoms satellite will be the first target of them, so building a backup network is extremely important.
As a Traitor, the biggest asset you have is your scripting. Do some crazy shit like changing all comms messages to redirect Security towards a nonexistent threat for a while. Or, you can just mute your target, but that's boring. You also have an intercom in your control room that lets you tune into and listen to any channel including Command or Security.