Immortal offspring sculpted by one of the gods for use in servitude. Aasimar roaming alone on Psydonia often are those abandoned after serving their purpose. This species is often revered due to their celestial origin, but face great solitude as not many of their kind exist. Many an aasimar will detest the reverance[sic] in which they are greeted with, for their greatest failure or unuse that lead to their discarding is not subject for celebration. An aasimar may be crafted with any number of materials. Many resemble sculptures of stones or ceramic in skin, but their insides are just as mortal as any other." - In game flavor text
Aasimar are just that, stoneskinned, divine constructs. They're created to fulfill a single purpose in life, and then tossed out. Their eyes can be basically any color. Their hair are mostly humen colors, but with some added whites.
Aasimar face little to no institutional discrimination, the only job locks are on extremely high ranking roles, such as captain, and members of the royal family, such as consort. The only real non-institutional discrimination you're likely to face is minor misunderstandings on the qualities of the race, as aasimar are rare and not very well understood, but occasionally there will be somebody who will poke fun at an aasimar's inherent racial qualities and behaviors, mostly their stone skin, colorful eyes, and obedient personalities. This is nothing compared to the discrimination faced by some of the other inhabitants of Vanderlin.
There are two types of aasimar you can play, the purposeful aasimar, and the purposeless. The purposeful aasimar still fulfills their original purpose. This only happens when one of the gods has a more earthly purpose for an aasimar, such as protecting a certain person, or creating things. Purposeful aasimar perform their duties almost single-mindedly, and possibly have a sense of superiority and self-reverence. A purposeless aasimar is an aasimar that has not been assigned a purpose by their creator, either they've been discarded after fulfilling their duties, or have simply gone completely unused and ignored by their god.
Aasimar recieve hefty buffs all around but suffer a nasty speed debuff. They favor a slower-paced playstyle in combat, focused on patiently outlasting your opponent with high end instead of striking them down quickly.
Unique traits
Attribute offsets
Aasimar get very good stat buffs all around, but a debilitating speed debuff, you're almost always going to be lagging behind your group whenever you're going somewhere, and your strikes are hardly swift. However, an Aasimar will last longer than anybody else in a fight. Not only can they take more pain, but they lose less blood. While your comrades are crying out in pain and keeling over, or passed out from blood loss, you're battered, but still standing.