You arrive at the steps of Vanderlin, but who exactly are you? This guide is designed to walk new players through the process of creating a new character and how certain choices affect gameplay.
Vanderlin is an In Progress project. Some info may be outdated.
Currently, every race, gender and patron has different attributes, proficiency and deficits in skills & stats and the degree of how much they can be discriminated.
“Humenity, creation in Psydon's image.
With their tenacity and overwhelming population, humens tend to outnumber the other species drastically.
Humens come from a vast swathe of cultures and ethnicities all around Psydonia, most of which have historically been at odds with one another and other species.
Humens tend to find fortune easier than the other species, and are so diverse that no other trait dominates their species...”
Humen are the most basic of Species choice, with no downsides and no Class that they can't become.
Despite their lack of extreme differences, Humens are typically the most common species of people you will encounter in game, considering their simplicity and lack of role restrictions.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Any | 0 | 0 | 0 | +1 | +2 | 0 | +1 |
“A proud and robust species of stunted folk, the dwarves are known for their pride in martial strength and their tenacity towards their ancient customs.
A Dwarf, much like the rock that they carve their fortress out of is stubborn and ancient.
They are revered craftsmen, sculptors, smiths, and miners.
As an old saying goes, 'If you want it done right, lose 2 feet and grow a beard.'
Despite their cultural praise, a long-standing feud remains between dwarves and elves stemming from old industrial practices.
Dwarves hold a strong alliance with humenkind.”
Dwarf are a strong and robust species of mountain dwellers, however this strength comes at the cost of speed and perceptiveness.
A heavy focus on industry and labor makes these people very good workers.
Their strong builds and propensity for rough labor draws Dwarves towards classes of intense work, usually Blacksmithing or Combat.
Be careful when making comments about their height - If you think they're short, you should see their temper…
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Any | +1 | -2 | 0 | +2 | +2 | -1 | 0 |
“The child of an Elf and Humen, Half-Elves are generally frowned upon by more conservative peoples, although as racial tensions lower, more and more half-elves are being born.
To the point that some scholars worry that someday, it may be impossible to distinguish the two species.
Half-Elves are extremely diverse, as they bring in humen and elvish culture and it is widely considered that Half-Elf culture is simply a melting pot of various others condensing into one vibrant entity.
Their longevity spanning too long for a human and short for an elf lead them to congregate together.
Due to their heritage, Half-Elves tend to gain racial traits depending on how strong their fathers, or mothers, genes were.
Half-Elves also typically try to find identity.”
Half-Elf, being a mix of Humens and Elves, fall between the two in terms of Stats and Class opportunites. Unlike their Humen ancestors, Half-Elves have far less in terms of positive stats, but they make up for this by inheriting better sight in the dark from their Elven half.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Any | 0 | +1 | +1 | 0 | 0 | +1 | 0 |
“Elves, the first species of Psydonia, are characterized by lengthened age, low fertility, and magical aptitude originating from a vast array of tribal cultures and sub-races.
With the ascension of Zizo, the entire culture of snow-elves was all but destroyed, leading the remaining tribes to live in fear and paranoia of suffering the same fate.
Many elves sought safety through mixing culture, positioning themselves under the watchful guard of their stronger humen counterparts.
A longstanding fued remains between elves and dwarves.
Elven kind has never forgiven the dwarves for their destruction of homeland and pillaging of natural resources within the former snow-elf territory.
To elves, it was the greatest signifier of disrespect for those lost.”
Elves are quite a fragile Species, falling behind in Strength and Constitution compared to others. Elves make up for their weaknesses with bright minds and swift movements. Both lead Elves to a propensity for Classes that reward a swift nature, such as Rangers or Stevedores where quickly moving from place to place is important.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Any | -1 | +1 | +1 | -1 | 0 | +2 | 0 |
"Conquered by Zizo, these elves hail from an underground expanse of newly-reborn empires.
They lead harsh, matriarchal lives under the watchful guide of Zizo, the vast majority hoping to one day achieve such power and domination for themselves.
Zizo's spawn, the last snow elves, integrated themselves- whether gleefully or resentfully- within the dark elf culture their grandmother had carved through conquest.
To most in Psydonia, a dark elf is nothing more than a servant of Zizo waiting to betray for power, leading most dark elves to remain within their safe underground strongholds. Those who breach the surface rarely receive fair treatment."
Dark Elves, due to their percieved proximity to Zizo, are a very discriminated against Species. Their underdwelling nature has made them hardier than most, at the cost of perceptiveness. A Matriarchal society has led Male members of their Species to be weaker than Female members, though this also leads to a much more agile frame.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Male | -1 | -1 | +1 | 0 | +2 | +2 | 0 |
Female | 1 | -1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | 0 |
"Immortal offspring sculpted by one of the gods for use in servitude.
Aasimar roaming alone on Psydonia often are those abandoned after serving their purpose.
This species is often revered due to their celestial origin, but face great solitude as not many of their kind exist.
Many an aasimar will detest the reverance in which they are greeted with, for their greatest failure or unuse that lead to their discarding is not subject for celebration.
An aasimar may be crafted with any number of materials. Many resemble sculptures of stones or ceramic in skin, but their insides are just as mortal as any other."
Aasimar, being constructs of the Gods, are incapable of aging. This leads them to being quite vast sources of knowledge. Their construct nature however leads them to a minor drawback of being slower to move, as well as requiring substantially more food to maintain themselves. They are usually drawn to jobs usually fulfilled by those of an older age.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Any | 0 | 0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | -1 | 0 |
"Tieflings; also known as Infernal-Spawn, Hell-Bloods, Surface-Devils, and perhaps most humourously, thief-lings.
Tieflings cannot reproduce with mortals, and thus are spawn of either devils, demons, or other tieflings.
Their treatment ranges from shunning to distrust, depending on the region. Shopkeeps and merchants always keep a wary eye out when a tiefling passes by.
The resentment feed into itself, leading to higher rates of tiefling ire and thievery against other species.
Many tieflings resign to seeking a solitary and nomadic life, huddled in groups outside the watchful eyes of others.
They also tend to be extremely perceptive and paranoid, as luck is rarely on their side.
Oddly positioned scales, hollow bones, and other varying oddities that may appear in a tiefling's biology make them considerably fragile.
If to make matters worse, their hellish progenitors have left them a destiny of misfortune.
A tiefling may develop any number of hellish features, a wide range of horns, potential hooves, odd spines and spikes, or scales.
It is not uncommon for a tiefling to be generally unpleasant to look at."
Tieflings are heavily discriminated against by many people due to their hellish appearance. This hellish ancestory leads Tieflings to be a very wary Species. However, luck itself is not on their side. All of this leads to Tieflings struggling to find Classes, instead turning towards less noble lines of work.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Any | 0 | +2 | +1 | -1 | 0 | +1 | -1 |
"Half-orcs are born from an orc parent, and the other unknown.
Whatever the circumstances of their birth. The powerful genes of the twisted, corrupted remains that was once a fairer species shines clearly through their spawn.
Whether said spawn shall follow their orcish parent's footsteps by the gorging of kin-flesh is yet to be seen, though most assume the worst.
An orc may look much like it's monstrous progenitor, sporting tusks and natural strength."
Half-Orc, brutal, strong, robust and powerful, formidable in battles.
However, unintelligent, unperceptive, slow and clumsy.
Half-Orcs suffers from great discriminations from other races, making them extremely hard to come on top in humen dominant society.
It is also worth mentioning Half-Orcs have low-stats and many job locks, highly suggest NOT to play this if you are a new player.
Gender | Strength | Perception | Intelligence | Constitution | Endurance | Speed | Fortune |
Male | +2 | -2 | -2 | +2 | +1 | 0 | 0 |
Female | +2 | -2 | -1 | +1 | +1 | 0 | 0 |
Psydonia is an incredibly religious world. The Gods are real entities with real powers. The people of Psydonia take a person's choice of worshipped deity quite seriously, with some being considered just plain evil.
After the death of Psydon, his parts were used by Necra to form the nine others of those commonly called 'The Ten'.
The Ten are the most widely worshipped pantheon, with worshippers in nearly every part of Psydonia.
Every member of The Ten falls into these categories below.
Boon: What blessing does this Deity give its worshippers?
Worshippers: What type of people are most likely to worship this Deity?
Flaws: What are the flaws of this Deity or its path?
Sins: What does this Deity despise and consider unholy?
Not all Deities may have Boons attributed to them, though this is subject to change.
"Leader of the divine Pantheon and ancient steward of the mortal races. Prideful to a fault, She demands absolute obedience from her mortal followers, bringing cleansing to Psydonia and everlasting order to the world of mortals."
Crafted from the head of Psydon, twin of Noc. She gifted mankind the Sun, protecting Psydonia from all forces which may seek it harm- within and from outside.
As the leader of the Divine Pantheon, Astrata is worshipped by nobility and commoners alike. Their magic leans towards healing and flames.
Boon: None yet
Worshippers: Nobles, Zealots, Commoners
Flaw: Tyrannical, Ill-Tempered, Uncompromising
Sins: Betrayal, Sloth, Witchcraft
"Crafted twin of Astrata. Noc is the God of All Knowledge, spending most of his time learning the many secrets of his father's creation."
Crafted from the helmet of Psydon, twin of Astrata. He gifted mankind divine wisdom.
As the God of Knowledge, Noc finds much worship by those seeking knowledge and those with Arcyne power. Their magic leans towards vision.
Boon: None yet
Worshippers: Magic Practitioners, Scholars, Scribes
Flaws: Close-minded, Vindictive, Haughty
Sins: Ignorance, Burning Books, Rashness
"One of the primordial Gods of Psydonia, grew mad with time as nature fell to industry."
Crafted from the bones of Psydon. Driven mad with time.
As the God of Nature, Dendor is typically worshipped by nomads or those seeking better harvests. Their magic leans towards growth and nature.
Boon: Immunity to Kneestingers
Worshippers: Druids, Beasts, Madmen
Flaws: Madness, Rebelliousness, Disorderliness
Sins: Deforestation, Overhunting, Disrespecting Nature
"Closely aligned with Dendor, Abyssor's concerns are of the natural environment and the preserved sanctity of the seas' bounty."
Crafted from the blood of Psydon. Driven to fury through ignorance of Him by followers of The Ten.
As the God of Sea and Storms, Abyssor is commonly worshipped by those on the sea. Their magic leans toward the seas.
Traits: Leeches will not latch onto you in murk.
Worshippers: Sailors of the Sea and Sky, Horrid Sea-Creachers, Fog Islanders
Flaws: Reckless, Stubborn, Destructive
Sins: Fear, Hubris, Forgetfulness
"The Veiled Lady, once close partner to Psydon. She created the nine others from his corpse, guiding them from the underworld."
As the Mother Goddess of Death and decay, players usually find them in near-death experiences, or in afterlyfe.
Often patronized by Gravekeepers, Orderlies and Mourners.
Traits: Soul Examine - You can see if other players dead body have soul or not, very useful before revival
Worshippers: Gravekeepers, Orderlies, Mourners
Flaws: Unchanging, Apathetic, Easy to bore
Sins: Heretical magics, Untimely death, Disturbance of Rest
"Crafted from the the blade of Psydon, a patron of all who seek righteousness for themselves and others."
As the God of warfare and Bravery, often those who patronizes Ravox are either warriors or guardsman.
Traits: None
Worshippers: Guardsman, Sellswords, Warriors
Flaws: Carelessness, Aggression, Pride
Sins: Cowardice, Cruelty, Stagnation
"Crafted from the silver tongue of Psydon. Xylix is a force of change and deceit, yet allows little known of their gender let alone presence."
As the Diety of Trickery and freedom, you would think most who patronizes Xylix would be bards,
but its more likely to find smiths and merhcants and innkeeper players to patronize this diety due its ability to examine for the exact price of an item that can be sold.
Traits: See the exact price of an item that can be sold via merchants (Removed, Subject to change).
Worshippers: Cheats, Performers, The hopeless
Flaws: Petulance, Deception, Gambling-Prone
Sins: Bordem, Routine, Predictability
"Crafted from Psydon's intestines left behind. She slithered out, bringing forth the cycle of life and decay."
The Goddess of Diesease, Alchemy & Medicine, those who patronize Pestra are often the sick, physicians and alchemists.
Traits: Gains ability to see if other player's character is stressed or not, can consume rotten food
Worshippers: The ill and infirm, alchemists, physicians
Flaws: Drunkeness, Crudeness, Irresponsibility
Sins: "Curing" abnormalities, Refusing to help unfortunates, Groveling
"Crafted from the hands of Psydon. He would later use his own to spurn wonderous inventions."
The God of Toil, Innovation and Creation, those who patronize Malum most are miners, smiths and sculptors
Traits: None
Worshippers: Smiths, Miners, Sculptors
Flaws: Obsessive, Exacting, Overbearing
Sins: Cheating, Shodding work, Suicide
"Crafted from the heart of Psydon, a spreader of love and strengthener of bonds."
As the Goddess of Love, Family and Art, those who patronize Eora are often Artists, Mothers, Married Couples
Traits: None
Worshippers: Artists, Mothers, Married Couples
Flaws: Naivete, Impulsiveness, Ignorance
Sins: Sadism, Abandonment, Ruined Beauty
There is only one God in the "Forgotten" section in game, maybe there will be more in the future, who knows.
"Deceased, slain by Necra in His final moments. She ripped his body apart to create The Ten... but he's still out there somewhere, right?"
Psydon is essentially the original only real god or diety existed according to zealots, which of course based on in game lore, Psydon was killed by Zizo, then having his bodyparts salvaged by Necra, forming the current Divine Pantheons.
Traits: None
Worshippers: Zealots, Grenzelhofters, Inquisitors, Heros
Flaws: Grudge-holding, Judgemental, Self-sacrificing
Sins: Apostasy, Demon worship, Betraying thy father
It is highly suggested to not touch the Inhumen Pantheon related gods if you are still unfamiliar with in-game lore on faiths.
Considering those who patronizes Inhumen Pantheon may be tortured, imprisoned or executed for heresy in some extent if revealed.
It is also to be reminded that if your character who patronizes Inhumen Pantheon Gods, caught by the inquisitor, the character can uncontrollably confess through speical lines/comments from the inquisitor's painful interrogation.
"Snow Elf who slaughtered Her kind in ascension, conquered and remade the Dark Elven empires in Her name. She proves that any with will can achieve divinity... though at a cost."
Zizo, the ascended Goddess of Forbidden Magic, Domination and Power.
A very well-known Inhumen Pantheon god for its importance to lore and creation of dark-elves.
Traits: You can see other player's characters that patronizes Zizo
Worshippers: Dark Elves, Aspirants, Necromancers
Flaws: Hubris, Superiority, Fury
Sins: Resistance, Deceit, Wastefulness
Confession Lines:
"I follow the path of Zizo!"
"Long live Queen Zizo!"
"Zizo showed me the way!"
"Became the first orc upon ascension through His habit of consuming the bodies of those He conquered. His forces continue to ravage the lands in His name. Through him, one may achieve true strength."
Graggar, the inhumen pantheon god known for its brutality, and most commonly know for the creations of unholy beasts like Goblins and Orcs.
Those who patronize Graggar are often Goblins, Orcs, Revengers driven by hatred and Sadists who yearn for blood and suffer
Traits: You can eat raw flesh and organ without problems
Worshippers: Greenskins, The Revenge-Driven, Sadists
Flaws: Rage, Hatred, Bloodthrist
Sins: Compassion, Fraility, Servility
Confession Lines:
"Graggar is the beast I worship!"
"Graggar will ravage you!"
"Graggar brings unholy destruction!"
"Legendary humen bandit whose greatest thievery was a spark of divinity through which He ascended himself. It is because of He that nobles clutch their coin purses to their chests in town."
Matthios, a humen bandit managed to literally steal divinity and ascend to become a god, quite metal really.
Those who patronize Matthios are mostly bandits, highwayman, and rebels
Traits: None
Worshippers: Outlaws, Noble-Haters, Downtrodden Peasantry
Flaws: Pride, Greed, Orneryness
Sins: Clumsiness, Stupidity, Humility
Confession Lines:
"Matthios steal my pain, and take me away from these HEATHENS!"
"Matthios is my true lord, he WILL steal me away from YOU!"
"I am a devoted of Matthios, I will sooner martyr than REPENT!"
"Ascended, formerly disgraced tiefling consort notorious for having a mind elsewhere. Through Her envy and callous distaste, she traded her family's life for a shipment of powder. As she preaches to her followers, 'Joy at all costs!"
Baotha, often patronized by addicts, and those who happens to distrubute vile substances to the downtrodden.
Traits: You'll never overdose on drugs
Worshippers: Addicts, Gamblers, The motherless and maidenless
Flaws: Enviousness, Self-Destruction, Willingness to Sacrifice Others
Sins: Sobriety, Self-Sacrifice, Faltering Willpower
Confession Lines:
"Live, Laugh, Love! In Baotha's Name!"
"Joy at all costs! Baotha's teaching reign!"
"Baotha's whisper calm my mind!"